Candidate EMPILY Score

When you run a business or an organization, it is important to evaluate several things besides job experience and skills, while hiring or onboard new employees. It is required for several reasons, the primary one being that the firm wants a candidate to work at the company for a long time. Here, Orangeslip comes with some unique features. We will do a background review of the candidates and share the EMPILY score, which will give a clear overview of the candidate.

Orangeslip came up with a unique feature, called EMPILY score by which an employer can decide if the candidate is a good fit for their firm.

How do We Set the EMPILY Score?

The EMPILY score is based on candidates' several things besides their experience and skills. Here, our experts will look at such as---

-Associate with the companies in total.
-The tenure in each company.
-The job skills.
-Professional behavior.
-Total offer letter he/she received.

Orangeslip will follow up on the mentioned points during the candidate's background check for employment. Following all these details we will set some scores (EMPILY) and will share them with you.

Why Hire Orangeslip?

Almost every company follows the background verification of an employee before their employee hiring. And, such verifications only follow the educational and work experience. As already mentioned, we include several other things in our verification process and set a score that will give overall views of an employee. Hire us now and keep the job hiring smooth.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Know the facts. A wide range of resumes or candidate-related topics.

Orangeslip is an integrated portal that offers secure access to employers verified through Blockchain. With this platform, you can manage the onboarding process without any hassle. Here you can get the employee KYC verification services and seek an EMPILY score to ensure hiring the best candidate.

Creating an account in the Orangeslip is very simple. You need to do is click 'Sign Up' or download the application from the Play Store and follow the necessary steps.

Our KYC verification services by experts will review the candidate's educational, professional, and personal details extensively. With these, you can be sure of onboarding a perfect applicant in your company.

A verified resume is when everything written in the CV is verified by experts. Experts will see if there is any error and will do the correction on your behalf. But, with our resume builder services, you will not have to follow the resume verification as we will do it while creating it. Our resume writers are aware of the CV formats. Thus, you can be sure of receiving a well-formatted CV.

EMPILY score is a kind of remark on several candidates' overall professional experience and behavior. It depends on how much work experience an applicant have, what skills they acquire, the working tenure, their professional behaviour, etc. Orangeslips will review all such details and set a score, which will help the employers to hire the potential candidate.

Of course, the blockchain platform is trustworthy for verifying CVs. Employer will verify applicant's credentials, previous work, and personal information using integrated blockchain data. Moreover, the verification will be precise, which will help the employers in selecting the candidate.

CVs posted by employers on the portal are 100% verified. There are no consultants associated with us, and everything is managed through a decentralized network, so the candidate resumes listed on Orangeslip are completely spam or scam free.

Yes, you can upgrade your Orangeslip account at any time. The account holders on our platform can go through our package details and choose the plan accordingly. The services vary as per the package details. So, choose the plan as per the need of your services.

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